In Festivals del rum
Attend a festival of rum means to be able to taste premium and super premium rums, discuss with producers, participate in guided tastings or seminars offered by the brands. A truly unique opportunity to grow your own rum cultureMoreover, being able to taste all these products privately could cost you several thousand euros.
Below we list a series of events that are repeated annually more or less on the same dates. Unfortunately, this year the ban on gatherings has postponed many of these Festivals, you will find in the links you will find the updated date, as for the last event moved to next year and that is the beautiful "German Rum Festival" which was to take place in August in Berlin. Two very important events have also existed in Italy for a few years, which are consolidating their international fame: the first is Showrum, now in its sixth edition, organized in Rome by Leonardo Pinto with Isla de Rum and SDI Group and can now count on the presence of thousands of enthusiasts.
The next edition will take place in February 2021. The second, also now in its sixth edition, is organized in Milan and is called The rum Day and it is an event that, while talking about rum at 360 °, is dedicated in particular to the world of cocktail. The next edition is scheduled for the end of October. In the extensive list below you will find in addition to "traditional" rum festivals, even events dedicated only to cocktails, sometimes even to a single type of cocktail such as "Tiki Oasis".
Rum festival January
30/01 – Rum Club at The Smuggler’s Run (Christchurch / UK) https://www.facebook.com/events/513854809480738/
30/01- 01/02 – Hanse Spirit (Hamburg / Germany) https://www.hanse-spirit.de/
Rum festival February
7-8/02 – Miami Rum Congress (Miami, Florida / USA) https://miamirumcongress.com/
7-9/02 – Finest Spirits (Munich / Germany) https://www.finest-spirits-muenchen.de/
15-16/02 – Guyana RumFest (Georgetown / Guyana) https://www.facebook.com/GuyanaRumFest/
16/02 Rhum Club at The Beachcomber – details TBC (London / UK) https://www.thebeachcomber.co.uk/
29 / 02-01 / 03 - Jamaica Rum Festival (Kingston / Jamaica) http://jarumfestival.com/
Rum festival marzo
07/03 – Puerto Rico National Rum Festival – Taste of Rum (San Juan / Puerto Rico) https://tasteofrums.com/
07-08/03 – Craft Spirits (Berlin / Germany) http://www.craftspiritsberlin.de/
13-14/03 – Cologne Spirits (Cologne / Germany) https://cologne-spirits.de/
15-16/03 – Gin & Rum Festival (Lucerne / Switzerland) https://www.gin-rum-festival.com/
16-22/03 – Amsterdam Cocktail Week (Amsterdam / The Netherlands) https://amsterdamcocktailweek.nl/
19-21 / 03 - Birka Rum Cruise (Stockholm / Sweden) https://www.birka.se/kryssningar/romkryssningar
29/03 - Nantes Spirits Festival (Carquefou / France) https://nantesspiritsfestival.com/
Rum festival april
03-04 / 04 - Nordic Rum Fest (Copenhagen / Denmark) https://www.nordicrumfest.com/
04/04 - Manchester Rum Festival (Manchester / UK) https://manchesterrumfestival.com/
04/04 - Chicago Rum Fest (Chicago / USA) https://chicagorumfest.com/
09/04 – Sugar Cane Juice Rum Tasting [Rumcask] (London / UK) http://www.rumcask.com/events/
25/04 - Oslo Rum Festival (Oslo / Norway) https://www.facebook.com/oslorumfestival/
25-26 / 04 - Rhum Fest Paris (Paris / France) https://www.rhumfestparis.com/
23-26 / 04 - Tiki Oasis (Arizona / USA) https://tikioasis.com/
28/04 – Think Rum (London / UK) https://thinkdrinkevents.co.uk/thinkdrinkevents2020/en/page/think-rum
Rum festival in May
15-16/05 – Miami Rum Renaissance Festival (Miami, Florida / USA) http://www.rumrenaissance.com/
30-31 / 05 - Salon des Rhums & Terroirs (Toulouse / France) https://www.salon-rhums-terroirs.com/
Rum festival June
03-07/06 – The Hukilau (Fort Lauderdale, Florida / USA) https://www.thehukilau.com/
05-06 / 06 - Rum Love Festiwal (Wroclaw / Poland) https://rumlovefestiwal.com/
05-06/06 – Glasgow Rum Festival (Glasgow / Scotland) https://therumfestival.co.uk/
06/06 – Prague Rum Fest (Prague / Czech Republic) https://www.barlifeevents.cz/en/rumfest
08-14/06 – Winchester Cocktail Week (Winchester / UK) https://www.winchestercocktailweek.co.uk/
12-13/06 – New York Rum Festival (New York / USA) https://newyorkrumfest.com/
27-28 / 06 - Bordeaux Rhum Festival (Bordeaux / France) https://www.bordeauxrhumfestival.com/
Rum festival July / August
21-26/07 – Tales of the Cocktail (New Orleans / USA) https://talesofthecocktail.org/
29-30 / 08 - German Rum Festival (Berlin / Germany) http://rumfest-berlin.com/
Rum festival september
12/09 – California Rum Festival (San Francisco, California / USA) https://californiarumfestival.com/
19/09- Leeds Rum Festival (Leeds / UK) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leeds-rum-fest-tickets-77201025345
25-27/09 – Toronto Rum Festival (Toronto / Canada) https://www.rumroyale.com/
27-28/09 – Sugarcane Days (Hamburg / Germany) https://www.rumfestival.de/
Rum festival october
5-11/10 – London Cocktail Week (London / UK) https://drinkup.london/cocktail-week/
09-10 / 10 - Whiskey & Rum aan Zee (IJmuiden) https://www.zeewijck.nl/en/whisky-rum-aan-zee-festival-2020/
10-11 / 10 - Salon du Rhum (Spa / Belgium) https://salondurhum.be/
12-14/10 – Bar Convent Berlin (TRADE) (Berlin / Germany) https://www.barconvent.com/
12-18 / 10 - London Rum Week (London / UK) http://londonrumweek.com/
16-18/10 – RumFest (London / UK) http://rumfest.co.uk/
25-26/10 – The Rum Day (Milan / Italy) http://www.therumday.it/
29/10-1/11 – Barbados Food & Rum Festival https://www.visitbarbados.org/food-and-rum-festival
Rum festival novembre
6-7 / 11 - Der Danske Rom og Whiskey Festival (Frederiks / Denmark) https://www.romfestival.dk/
17/11 – World Foursquare Rum Day (Global Event)
Rum festival December
19/12 – Taste of Rum US Pop Up Tour (Austin, Texas / USA) https://tasteofrums.com/us-popup-tour/
30/12 – Gayle Seale Day (Global Event)