Rum Daiquiri Daiquiri: the original recipe Daiquiri is an international cocktail based on rum, citrus juice (usually lime) and sugar. Very simple ingredients to find to obtain a cocktail with […]
Rum Demerara Room Demerara Room The Demerara Rum it is one of the finest Rums, but there are few bottles that can boast of this label. […]
Rum Venezuelan rum The rum of Venezuela Venezuela is very often linked to Rum, especially for the very famous advertising of the rum Pampero, which read: “The most drunk rum in the worst bars in […]
Rum How to drink rum How to taste rum Rum, an alcoholic distillate derived from sugar cane, lends itself to be consumed and enjoyed alone […]
Rum Shaker per cocktail rum Best rum cocktail shakers: everything you need to know for the right choice Rum is certainly one of the most loved and appreciated spirits in the world: thanks to its different […]
Rum White rum White Rum: what are we talking about? Il white rum it is a colorless rum, that is, as it appears at the end of the distillation phase. To be defined white rum its appearance must […]
Rum Hemingway and rum: Bodeguita del Medio and Floridita Hemingway e he rum Let's face it, everyone likes Rum. Anyone who is a lover of it will have wondered at least once, […]
Rum Rum walks Rum brands Which brands of rum to choose? The choice is not easy, but fortunately there are thousands of rum brands […]
Rum Agricultural Rum Agricultural Rum: what it is With the term Agricultural rum we mean rum which, unlike the industrial one obtained starting from molasses, it is obtained only from the fermentation […]
Rum Rum cooler Rum cooler: la storia The invention of Rum Cooler it is due to a true lover of rum: Marino Sandon, a great barman with a boundless passion for Cuba and rum Cuban. Creator of the […]
Rum Rum by Pina Colada Pina Colada The Pina Colada - from the Spanish “pressed pineapple” - is a long drink based on light rum, coconut milk and pineapple juice. Of medium alcohol content - 12,7 […]
Rum Rum per Mai Tai Mai Tai cocktail: the original recipe You want the original Mai Tai Cocktail recipe? Then you have to use the Nephew Rum, used in 1944 for its first version, which costs 29.000 […]
Rum Bacardi Facundo Bacardi Bacardi is synonymous only with Bacardi. No distillate in the world has managed to create a category […]
Rum Cuba libre Cuba Libre - Rum Cola Although many consider the two famous cocktails interchangeable, it is absolutely not the same drink.Cuba libre e rum e cola they have the same soul in common […]
Rum Rum per Barracuda Barracuda Cocktail: the original recipe Barracuda is an international cocktail, recognized by the IBA (International Bartenders Association) in 2011, even if the conception dates […]
Rum Rum from Martinique Rhum Martinique Rum from Martinique is known around the world for being the agricultural rum par excellence, and is a French school rum. The agricultural rum of Martinique it is […]
Rum Colombian rum Rum from Colombia The alcohol industry in Colombia began between 1784 and 1787, when, according to chronicler José Antonio Benites, the first distillery in Colombia, the Royal […]
Rum Rum festival In Festivals del rum Attend a festival of rum means to be able to taste premium and super premium rums, discuss with producers, participate in guided tastings or seminars offered […]
Rum Honey rum Rum Miele Honey Rum is typical of the inhabitants of the Canary Islands. Increasingly widespread and appreciated all over the world, this distillate is obtained from the processing […]
Rum Best Rum: the 8 TOP for quality and price! [GUIDE 2021] Do you want to know everything about Rum and discover the best Rum for a gift or to taste it with friends? We at BestEat have tasted several to get to this ranking ..."Rum: alcoholic drink obtained from the fermentation of sugar cane".This is the vocabulary definition. […]
Rum Commercial rum Industrial or commercial rum Industrial or commercial rum is often offered in contrast with agricultural rum. It is usually emphasized as the the difference between agricultural […]
Rum Guyanese rum Guyanese rum Guyanese rum identifies with the history of the Demerara distillery, the producer of El Dorado rum, which over the years has earned the reputation of being one of […]
Rum Dark rum Dark Rum: characteristics and types Dark rum it is a distillate of molasses or sugar cane juice aged in barrels, usually oak or oak. The distillate is originally white and will […]
Rum Rum alcohol content The alcohol content of the rum The alcohol content of the rum minimum is established in the European Union at 37,5% […]
Rum Where rum is born In which countries was rum born? If you are a rum lover, you have surely wondered where rum is born. This is a […]
Rum rum ñero Black rum: characteristics and types Black rum it is part of that category of alcoholic beverages most appreciated by lovers of drinking. There are various types of Rum which obviously […]
Rum Best rums Ranking of the best rums We cannot hide the fact that rum has a very special charm. It is one of the most popular drinks […]
Rum Rum cocktail glasses Rum Cocktail Glasses For those who like cocktails like us Mojito, Daiquiri, Barracuda, Zombies and dozens of other famous rum cocktails in the world the glass is fundamental, because […]
Rum Fine rum Fine rums Often when we want to make an important gift or we want to give ourselves a particular bottle and we do not know the world of rum thoroughly, we seek a fine rum. The […]
Rum Rum per Zombie Rum for Zombies: the original recipe The Zombie has been part of IBA's Contemporary Classics Cocktail since February 2020 (International Bartenders Association) and is therefore […]
Rum Cuban rum Rum cubano: storia del rum The mental association between Cuba and rum for many people it is natural and there is a widespread belief that the Cuban rum was the first product in […]
Rum Room XO Rum XO meaning Those who approach rum often notice this acronym on the labels: but what is the meaning of this symbol […]
Rum Jamaican rum Jamaican rum Tradition has it that the rum is tasted neat, but there are those who love to drink it with ice, or use it to prepare fantastic cocktails. Whatever the choice, what […]
Rum Rum with ice Agitated not stirred Agitated not stirred. This is the famous phrase that Sean Connery utters as James Bond in Ian […]
Rum Indian rum Indian rum: history Not many people know that India is among the top countries in the world for consumption of rum and that the reason is to be found in the long tradition of rum […]
Rum Spiced rum Spiced Rum: what it is Spiced rum - spiced in English translation - is a rum that starts from a basic distillate, usually about 40 degrees alcohol, to then be enriched with the […]
Rum Correct name of the rum Rum, Rhum or Ron? What is the correct name? Let's make it clear: Rum, Rhum or Ron are the same distillate sugar cane, […]
Rum Rum per Bacardi cocktail Rum for Bacardi Cocktail: the original recipe Bacardi Cocktail is an international cocktail based on Bacardi rum Carta Blanca, lime juice and grenadine syrup, and was created in […]
Rum How to produce the Rum How rum is made Rum comes from the cultivation of sugar cane. Once this plant grows it is cut and squeezed in a mill […]
Rum By Malibu rum Malibù Cocktail Il Cocktail Malibù is a pleasant alcoholic drink with a tropical taste, very sweet and pleasant, originally from Barbados. It is a coconut rum among the best […]
Rum Havana Club Havana Club Havana Club is synonymous with Ron de Cuba, the nation that is considered the homeland of this magnificent distillate and what arrives in our bars can be considered […]
Rum Cocktail a base di rum Cocktail con rum Many of the best cocktails are rum-based, just think of the very famous Mojito e Daiquiri, or al Cuba Libre, more simply called rum and cola. Why the rum is the […]
Rum Rum tasting The rum tasting The rum tasting it can be carried out during aging, to verify that this delicate process proceeds correctly, […]
Rum Solera room Rum Solera: what is meant? Very often in the labels of rum bottles we come across the word ra solera, but what does […]
Rum Rum Caroni Rum Caroni The history of rum Caroni it is one of those that have fueled the myth of rum, which has always been associated with distant lands and adventurous places and contexts. […]
Rum Best rum in the world Best rums in the world: what are they? Is it possible to rank the best rums in the world? The company is really […]
Rum Legendary Rum Legendary The Legendary rum it is a rum with a strong Cuban identity, which is also expressed visually, with its beautiful […]
Rum Rum e pera Rum alla pera Rum and pear it is part of those fruit rum cocktails born in the 700th century to make a distillate more easily drinkable that at the time was very difficult to drink […]
Rum Seasonings Rum Bumbu Distillery Il rum Bumbu has recently met with great international success. The distillery is located in Barbados, the island to which the origin of the rum is attributed, […]
Rum Rum Islands Indian Ocean Rum from the islands of the Indian ocean In the islands of the Indian Ocean, the cultivation of sugar cane is very old, as is the production of rum. Apart from rums from Reunion […]
Rum Mojito Rum for Mojito: the original recipe Il Mojito It is one of cocktail a base di rum easier to prepare. Its ingredients, from its inception, were easy to find: white rum, sugar, […]
Rum Italian rum Italian rum Does Italian rum exist? The answer is yes and excellent rum is also produced in Italy. The most famous Italian rum in the world was born from the meeting of two absolute […]
Rum Caribbean rum Rum from the Caribbean It is enough to hear the word spoken rum, oppure ron o rum, so that the minds of many of us make an automatic association: Caribbean. The association between […]
Rum Rum aging Rum aging in wooden barrels Rum aging normally takes place in wooden barrels, due to the ability of this material to […]